Hoffman & Hoffman building

The History of Hoffman & Hoffman

Hoffman & Hoffman


Hoffman Family Reaches 600 Employee-Owners

Hoffman & Hoffman, Inc. Celebrates 75 Years in Business


HBT acquires Thermatec, Inc.

Hoffman Building Technologies expanded its operations in Nashville, TN with Thermatec, a division of HBT.


Employees working from home and in office

Our employees are here to help customers from remote offices and in the office with distance protocols in mind.


Heat Transfer Sales

In 2019, the company acquired Heat Transfer Sales to incorporate hydronic equipment offering.


Rusty Hoffman converted the company

In December 2016, Rusty Hoffman converted the company to a 100% employee owned company.


The third generation of the Hoffman family

Adam Hoffman joined the company in January of 2013 as the third generation of the Hoffman family. His brother Matthew came on board in August of 2018.

Hoffman Mechanical Solutions launched

In 2013, Hoffman Mechanical Solutions (HMS) was launched as a division of Hoffman & Hoffman when equipment trouble-shooting and installations became a bigger part of the business.  It became fully incorporated as a separate company in 2016.


Chattanooga, TN and Knoxville, TN offices open


Chesapeake, VA and Richmond, VA offices open


Hoffman Building Technologies started as a division

As the company moved more into controls and building automation in the early 1990s, Hoffman Building Technologies started as a division.


Rusty Hoffman became President of the Company

In 1988, Rusty Hoffman became President of the Company. Around the same time, Louis Hoffman converted the company into a partial ESOP.


21 sales people in the office

In 1983, there were 21 sales people in the office. Today, there are over 110.


Rusty Hoffman starts at the company in sales


Asheville office opens


Charleston office opens


Roanoke office opens


Charlotte office opens


Harry and Louis built a small building

In 1950 or 51, Harry and Louis built a small building at what was then 1102 East Wendover. Over the last 70 years, this building has undergone significant changes to be the building we know as the corporate headquarters.


Vance Morrow joined the Hoffman brothers

In 1949, Vance Morrow joined the Hoffman brothers by opening an office in Columbia, SC, using a closet in his home as his office space.